Saturday, August 21, 2010

Thursday Night's Dinner

On Thursday night, my sister and her boyfriend came over for dinner, so I decided to cook for them. We had some wine, cheese, and bread along with these two courses.

The first course was a portabello mushroom cap stuffed with Habanero shrimp. This is a personal recipe, that is really simple to make.

Cook up some shrimp (not all the way) on the stove with some olive oil. While that is cooking, take a portabello cap and put a thin layer of cheese on the bottom (I used a grocery store bought Mexican blend). I took two fresh habaneros, some chopped baby bella mushrooms, and some already made habanero and Cayenne hot sauce (bought from Whole Foods), and put them into a food processor. I cut up the shrimp into smaller pieces, then tossed them with the sauce and put them into the caps, and then into the oven (350 degrees for about 10 minutes).

It was really good, but it was probably the hottest thing I ever ate in my life. I'm not a huge fan of spice, and this dish kicked my ass.

The main course was a maple glazed tuna with a pear-potato salad. I found this recipe on Epicurious. The recipe was really easy to follow, and it tasted absolutely delicious. The salad was really simple to make, and had a little bit of kick due to the curry powder. The tuna was also amazing, but I put too much olive oil in the glaze, and cooked it too soon before it was served, so it was slightly cold.

I would make both of these dishes again. The only thing I would change would be the amount of habanero in the sauce. It was a little too hot to enjoy, but if it were toned down a little it would have been perfect.

Oh, and for dessert we had some German Chocolate cake, which I made the day before from a Betty Crocker box. That was also pretty good.

Bon Appetit!

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